Please permit me to first of all express my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God for the opportunity to be the 18th Director of the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan. I should also thank the Institute of Education Academic Staff Members for nominating me as the next Director of the Institute ofEducation. It should be pointed out that this will afford me the opportunity to make my own contributions to the development of the Institute of Education in particular, and the University of Ibadan in general.
I was admitted into the Institute of Education for my M.Phil/Ph.D. programme in 1992/93 academic session and defended my Ph.D. thesis in January 1999. No sooner had I completed than I had the opportunity to join the Institute of Education as an academic staff in October 1999. The foregoing implies that I have been part of the Institute of Education for about thirty years, including the period I was a student. It is important to note that I have served the Institute of Education in various capacities such as being: Head of Outreach Services Unit, Head of the School Services Unit, Head of the Educational Services Unit, Acting on behalf of the last four Directors, Institute of Education, during their absence from the University. I have also served the University of Ibadan through the Institute of Education such as: Quality Assurance Officer (representing the Institute of Education), Member, ADHOC Committee on Restructuring of the English Proficiency Training for Non-English-Speaking Students and English Remedial Programme for Nigerian Students who fail the English Proficiency Test.I am a member of Senate, University of Ibadan (2014 to date). Obviously, all these are tantamount to setting my own tenure in motion.
Vision of the Institute of Education
A vision statement of the Institute of Education has been derived from that of the Vision Statement of the University of Ibadan. The Vision Statement of the Institute of Education is:
To be a renowned Institute for quality research in education, monitoring and evaluation, and production of high calibre personnel for sustainable development of educational policy and practice in Nigeria and beyond.
Because a leader should have his/her own vision for the organization, he/she wants to lead, it is imperative that I have a vision statement derived from the existing vision statement of the Institute of Education. This is mainly for the purpose of continuing from where the immediate past Director stopped and not departing completely from the vision of the Institute of Education.
My Vision and Mission for the Institute of Education
To serve as a gatekeeper between quality, scope and relevance of Institute Research and Training Programmes and sustainable development of educational policy within and outside Nigeria.
Meaning: To initiate and implement activities that will bring about quality research in education, monitoring and evaluation, and production of a high-level personnel for sustainable development of educational policy within and outside Nigeria.
- To initiate Digital EducationCurriculum to meet the demand of the knowledge and digital economy.
- To creatively design a stakeholders propelled curriculum to address the societal needs.
- To propose recruitment of quality staff in terms of knowledge and skills relevant to the requirements of the knowledge and digital education.
- To harness the potentials in the Institute for the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge, in general, and educational research and curriculum development, in particular, within and outside Nigeria.
- To conduct needs assessment of teachers and learners as well as the learning environment.
In an attempt to achieve my goals, the following are the core values (my watchwords) I intend to promote in the Institute of Education during my tenure:
- Integrity
- Respect
- Accountability
- Thoroughness
- High sense of commitment to duties
Based on the vision and mission clearly spelt out above, the following are the activities I wish to embark upon:
- Initiating Digital Education Curriculum so that our activities will be in tune with the current or global needs.
- A Curriculum Committee will be set up. This will be called Institute of Education Curriculum Committee (IOECC). This committee will be charged with the responsibility of treating all matters concerning curriculum.
- Head of ICEE
- Sub-Dean
- Dr. O.F.Ibode
- Dr. Serifat F. Akorede
- Dr. Ikmat O. Junaid
- Dr. J.A. Abijo
- Dr. M.A. Metibemu
- Dr. B.K. Oladele
This committee will also be saddled with the responsibility of handling the Digital Education Curriculum.
- A proposal for recruitment of some of our Ph.D. graduates within and outside the Institute of Education, who are adept at digital education, will be submitted to the University Management in order to achieve the mission goal regarding the digital education (this is not only to train the existing academic staff but also to promote it generally within the Institute of Education)
- Inaugurating Committee of the Institute of Education Past Directors
- To bring our past Directors closer to the Institute of Education. The closer they are to the Institute, the better. This implies that the Institute will be tapping from their wealth of experience even till old age.
- This will also be a forum for them to interact with one another, from which noble and innovative ideas may emerge, that ultimately will transform the whole Institute of Education.
- To afford them the opportunity to continue contributing to the development of the Institute.
- To serve as a prop against the Institute to keep it from falling.
- To be a formidable body in the event of any threat from outside the Institute.
- Emeritus Professor PAI Obanya (Chairman)
- Prof. S.O. Ayodele (Member)
- Prof. T.W. Yoloye (Member)
- Prof. P.N. Okpala (Member)
- Prof MAC Araromi (Member)
- Prof E. Adenike Emeke (Member)
- Prof. Folajogun V. Falaye (Member)
- Prof. J.G. Adewale (Member)
- Secretary to the Institute of Education(to record proceedings of meetings).
- Providing technical support and advisory services to Institute Alumni Association on a regular basis.
- Normal Responsibilities in the Institute of Education
The following are the normal responsibilities (which are actually not new) in the IoE, since the activities of the Institute of Education revolve around research, teaching and capacity development and outreach. The activities are categorized broadly intoFIVE units, each having a Unit Head. They are:
- International Centre for Educational Evaluation (ICEE)
- Research and Publications Unit
- School Services and Quality Control Unit
- Links Programmes and Outreach Service Unit
- Computer and Technical Services Unit
- Consolidating the past efforts of the Emeritus Professor PAI Obanya and the immediate Past Director, Prof. J. G. Adewale, on the following:
- Monthly Teacher Development Workshops and Authoritative Publications;
- IoE Research Agenda;
- The Institute of Education Website;
- ICT Driven Instruction;
- The proposed Institute TETFund Books;
- Strategic Planning;
- Artificial Intelligence in Education; and
- Teaching and Learning Support Centre.
Strategies to be adopted
- Frequent Meetings
There will be formal and informal/ planned and unplanned meetings to debrief, that is, to carefully review upon completion different assignments being handled by units, teams and individuals. The meetings could even involve some of our students who are supposed to participate in one project or another.
- Visibility of the Institute of Education
The following publicity devices will be used to showcase our activities in the Institute of Education:
- Social Media (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- IoE Website
- Newsletter
- Internet
- Radio and Television
- YouTube
- Newspaper
Sir, these are some of my humble dreams on assuming office as Director, Institute of Education, University of Ibadan. The Almighty God, with whom all things are possible, will steer the ship of the affairs of the Institute of Education safely and successfully. I strongly believe that there must be joint efforts wrought out of constant consultations with you and the three Deputy Vice Chancellors. Finally, I want to feel that with you at hand, to help, to support, to work with, and above all, to be a shoulder to cry on, there will be only one direction for the Institute, and that is –moving forward!
Thank you so much.
Professor J.A. Adegbile
- There are FIVE distinct units in the Institute.
- Members of each unit should not regard themselves as exclusively limited to that indicated unit.
- This schedule presents primary areas of focus of each of the research fellows
This section enunciates the co-ordination of such important activities as examinations, admissions and seminars. These are very critical aspects of our activities in the Institute. Kindly permit me to stress that they are very sensitive aspects. And you are all aware of the implication of perfunctorily handling University Examinations. By implication, whoever is in charge of any of the THREE ASPECTS needs to be extraordinarily careful. He must avoid any act that can make him sink into a life of utter depravity.
In view of the preamble given above, I like to continue with the existing nomenclature. In other words, examinations, admissions and seminars coordinators will be retained. So, with effect from 1st August, 2022, each of the following Research Fellows will be in charge of the section indicated against his or her name:
- Examinations Coordinator ………. Dr Olutayo T. Omole
- Admissions Coordinator ………. Dr E.O. Babatunde
- Assistant Seminar Coordinator…… Dr B.K. Oladele
If you carefully study the Structure of the Institute, the THREE ASPECTS can simply be subsumed under Head of ICEE and Sub-Dean column. This implies that each of them is expected to always liaise with the two heads in the Unit. Like I said earlier, the three of them are equally sensitive. Therefore, each of the coordinators is advised NOT to take a unilateral decision concerning exams without informing the Head of ICEE, Sub-Dean and the Director whenever it is necessary. Please note that all these are attempts to nip in the bud unnecessary embarrassments that may cast aspersions on the image of the Institute of Education.
This section enunciates the co-ordination of such important activities as examinations, admissions and seminars. These are very critical aspects of our activities in the Institute. Kindly permit me to stress that they are very sensitive aspects. And you are all aware of the implication of perfunctorily handling University Examinations. By implication, whoever is in charge of any of the THREE ASPECTS needs to be extraordinarily careful. He must avoid any act that can make him sink into a life of utter depravity.
In view of the preamble given above, I like to continue with the existing nomenclature. In other words, examinations, admissions and seminars coordinators will be retained. So, with effect from 1st August, 2022, each of the following Research Fellows will be in charge of the section indicated against his or her name:
- Examinations Coordinator ………. Dr Olutayo T. Omole
- Admissions Coordinator ………. Dr E.O. Babatunde
- Assistant Seminar Coordinator…… Dr B.K. Oladele
If you carefully study the Structure of the Institute, the THREE ASPECTS can simply be subsumed under Head of ICEE and Sub-Dean column. This implies that each of them is expected to always liaise with the two heads in the Unit. Like I said earlier, the three of them are equally sensitive. Therefore, each of the coordinators is advised NOT to take a unilateral decision concerning exams without informing the Head of ICEE, Sub-Dean and the Director whenever it is necessary. Please note that all these are attempts to nip in the bud unne
This section enunciates the co-ordination of such important activities as examinations, admissions and seminars. These are very critical aspects of our activities in the Institute. Kindly permit me to stress that they are very sensitive aspects. And you are all aware of the implication of perfunctorily handling University Examinations. By implication, whoever is in charge of any of the THREE ASPECTS needs to be extraordinarily careful. He must avoid any act that can make him sink into a life of utter depravity.
In view of the preamble given above, I like to continue with the existing nomenclature. In other words, examinations, admissions and seminars coordinators will be retained. So, with effect from 1st August, 2022, each of the following Research Fellows will be in charge of the section indicated against his or her name:
- Examinations Coordinator ………. Dr. Olutayo T. Omole
- Admissions Coordinator ………. Dr. E.O. Babatunde
- Assistant Seminar Coordinator…… Dr. B.K. Oladele
If you carefully study the Structure of the Institute, the THREE ASPECTS can simply be subsumed under Head of ICEE and Sub-Dean column. This implies that each of them is expected to always liaise with the two heads in the Unit. Like I said earlier, the three of them are equally sensitive. Therefore, each of the coordinators is advised NOT to take a unilateral decision concerning exams without informing the Head of ICEE, Sub-Dean and the Director whenever it is necessary. Please note that all these are attempts to nip in the bud unnecessary embarrassments that may cast aspersions on the image of the Institute of Education.

- ICEE – International Centre for Educational Evaluation (take care of all academic programmes).
- R & P – Research and Publications Unit (Researches, Consultancy, West African Journal of Education – WAJE)
- C & T – Computer and Technical Unit (Computer training for students, staff and others, and management of IoE website)
- OS – Outreach Services Unit (Refresher/Short Courses, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Links, Fellowship & Grants).
- SS – School Services Unit (Demonstration Schools – Staff School, ISI and other schools under the supervision of IoE).