a letter from our director
Good day, my dear Colleagues,
The Immediate Past Director, Prof. J. G. Adewale
Our Emeritus Professor PAI Obanya,
Other Past Directors,
Other Professors in the Institute
Research Readers,
All Research Fellows.
Let me first of all give all honour and glory to the Almighty God, from whom all blessings flow, for the grace granted me to welcome you all and to thank you for attending this maiden meeting. Frankly speaking, I least expected that I would be here today, giving a maiden address to my colleagues as the 18th Director of the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan. Kindly permit me to say that, it is indeed a MIRACLE.
It is a miracle because if we take a retrospect of the retinue of professors, based on seniority in the Institute; and none opted for a national appointment, Professors Charles Onocha and Isiugo-Abanihe would have joined the queue, and if Prof Adams Onuka had not retired, it would not have been my turn until I retire. Although this is human calculation, God’s formula does not work that way. I immensely appreciate the significant contributions of the Past Directors; and especially the contributions and selfless sacrifices of the immediate Past Director, Prof. Gbenga Adewale. I must let you know that, as your Director, it is with trepidation that I am assuming what I consider a very hot seat at a time when the Institute is beset with some problems.
We should be eternally grateful to our Almighty God for the grace given to us to be in our “promised land” now as opposed to the time we were in” Egypt” (Faculty of Education Complex). It is obvious that we now have a sigh of relief, especially in terms of relatively new structure, better electricity supply and fresh air. However, one major problem that is still haunting is finance. I do not think one needs a fortune teller or a soothsayer before one realizes this. Therefore,I doff my cap to our immediate Past Director, Prof J.G. Adewale, for his ability to face the daunting financial quagmire with all equanimity and tenacity of purpose. Like our Emeritus Professor PAI Obanya always says, “the only problem is that there is no problem”.This is a comfortingly soothing statement. It stands to reason that, our Almighty God, who has sustained us thus far, will always provide for us.
It is also my intention to let you know that I am ready to welcome good ideas and suggestions on how we can steer the ship of the Institute of Education to better shores. Let me also point out that I cannot do it all alone for it is a herculean task. I really need your support. The Philosophy of Broom should seriously be consideredin this regard. The concept emphasizes that a broomstick is weak and breakable but a bunch cannot be broken. So, just like a broom, power comes through unity.
As we are all in a ship of activities, I want you to be my shore or prop for preventing sinking or sagging. I like to reiterate the fact, like that of my predecessors, that my style will also be an open administration, which will allow a high level of cooperation and support in order to take the Institute of Education to a greater height. So, ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to this meeting.
And as I am welcoming you to the beginning of a tenure, kindly recall that I had already sent to you my Vision and Mission to which some of you had reacted. I appreciate immensely your contributions to the final version of the document. I sincerely thank those who called to congratulate me, those who prayed for me and thanked God on my behalf, those who sent WhatsApp messages and those who paid a courtesy call.In particular, I must not forget to appreciate the efforts of our Emeritus Professor PAI Obanya on the Strategic Planning training which he gave us in August 2021. Though I was not in the country then, I carefully studied the document when I arrived and it guided me in crafting out my Vision and Mission.
In view of the foregoing, I attach herewith a copy of the corrected version of my Vision and Mission document which I have forwarded to the Vice Chancellor through the immediate Past Director. This, however, does not preclude better ideas from my Colleagues, kindly feel free to give me fine ideas that can elevate the Institute of Education.
Finally, I thank you so much for attending this meeting. I strongly believe that, the Almighty God, who has always been with us, will help us move the Institute of Education forward. He will continue to unite and protect us.
Thank you and God bless.